Welcome to Teletel, Inc.

Our commitment is to you, our customers.

Our mission is "to provide quality service to you, our business partners, in order for you to have the tools necessary to ensure stability, growth, and profitability for your business."

A Florida corporation poised to serve the world of telecommunications 24 hours a day. Accommodating facilities housing corporate offices and a state of the art inventory control system to track and record all telecommunication equipment available to our clients.

  • In January of 1994,TELETEL, iNC. introduced their unique style of customer service and support, "To handle high tech jobs the old fashioned way.

We Have the Expertise to Get the Job Done

The combination of very competitive pricing of equipment and services, along with TELETEL'S "Independent Consulting" approach, provides an excellent alternative for TeleTel's potential and existing customers.
  • TELETEL has the sales training to know that our customers needs are very important. TELETEL'S team will never fail to respond immediately to those needs.
  • Our sales and purchasing team has over 25 years experience in the telecommunications industry and has been highly successful in the placement of cellular site equipment.